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The Billericay School


Apprenticeships are available to anyone over the age of 16, living in England.

The National Apprenticeship Service is committed to ensuring that high quality apprenticeships are a prestigious option, accessible to all people from all backgrounds. There will be different entry requirements depending on the industry, job role and apprenticeship level.

You can contact the National Apprenticeship Helpdesk for further information on 0800 015 0400 or by email: nationalhelpdesk@findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk

This year, National Apprenticeship week is taking place from 5 - 9th February 2024 for information please refer to the following links below. The school has a number of events focusing on apprenticeships every year during National Apprenticeships Week.

Information on apprenticeships can be found at the following website, including a useful pack for Parents/Carers: www.apprenticeships.gov.uk

Apprenticeship Links


Which apprenticeship?: https://university.which.co.uk/advice/apprenticeships    

Apprenticeship advice tools: Advice Tools

Government Guide to Apprenticeships: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/a-guide-to-apprenticeships

Amazing Apprenticeships: https://amazingapprenticeships.com/

UCAS Apprenticeships: https://www.ucas.com/apprenticeships-in-the-uk

Centre for Apprenticeships: https://centreforapprenticeships.co.uk

Find an Apprenticeship: https://www.findapprenticeships.co.uk


A Parent's Guide to Apprenticeships: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/a-parents-guide-to-apprenticeships

Amazing Apprenticeships - Parent Pack: https://amazingapprenticeships.com/app/uploads/2019/01/Parent-Pack-January.pdf