External Achievements
Here at The Billericay School, we are proud of the numerous external achievements our students have attained. These accomplishments showcase their dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence.
Our students have consistently excelled in various fields, including academics, sports, arts, and community involvement. Their achievements have been recognised at local, regional, and national levels, reinforcing the high standards we uphold at our school.
Through their exceptional performances, our students have not only brought pride to themselves but have also elevated the reputation of The Billericay School. We believe that these accomplishments are a testament to the exceptional education and support provided by our dedicated staff and the strong partnership we have with parents/carers.
Recent Successes
Rosie W, Year 9 - Bronze medal in the British Disability Gymnastics Championships all round event and silver in vaulting.
George W, Year 10 - One of the 7 Members of the UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) representing the county of Essex.
Sean A, Year 10 - Sliver medalist 200m English International.
Harry C, Year 7 - 6th in the UK at the Fise Competition.
Summer G, Year 7 - Three gold medals and one silver at the 'Follow your Dreams' dance competition in Blackpool. Eight gold medals at the 'Follow your Dreams' Regional Dance Competition and has qualified for the Nationals.
Emily C, Year 7 - Junior Parkrun volunteer over 70 times.
Macey S, Year 9 - Awarded Jack Petchey Award in Scouts Group.
Belle M, Year 7 - Played three Christmas concerts for the Brentwood Imperial Youth band playing the trombone.
Thomas W, Sixth Form - Winner of the Thurrock Young Musician of the Year 2024
Isabelle F and Ava W, Year 7 - Took part in a dance production at 'His Majesty's Theatre'.
Dylan S, Year 8 - Attends and volunteers at the Circus School training younger children.
Alfie S, Year 9 - Earniversity Fast Track Challenge, joint third Highest Earner, joint fourth Overall Achiever and the Best Boundary Breaker.
Harvey L, Year 9 - Performed at the UK Rock and Blues three day Festival.
Chloe J, Year 9 - Representing Basildon District at the Cross Country Finals.
J Puddefoot, Year 7 - 6x Cadet Champion at Brentwood Karting, competed in the Sodi World Finals in Belgium last year as the youngest competitor and has qualified again this year and will be heading to Spain in July to compete. Both times he has qualified as National Champion being no.1 in the UK.
2024/25 External Achievements
Jack P, Year 10 - Winner of BBC's Young Reporter Competition for the East. For more information, please click here.
Josh R, Sixth Form - Qualified for British Karting Championships 2024 and will be racing for Motor Sport Team, Kraft Potenza Motorsport.
Samuel, Year 13 - will be joining Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance after receiving an unconditional place on their FD/BA Degree Course in Ballet and Contemporary Dance.
Frankie B - Stared as Jamie Krump in the professional pantomime: Sleeping Beauty at The Billericay Theatre.
Rosie W, Year 8 - In October, competed in the British Disability Gymnastics Championships and won the competition on the beam, floor and vault. She also received bronze in the uneven bars. Rosie was crowned overall champion in her age group, meaning she is currently the best for her age in Great Britain.
Jack M, Year 10 and Joe M, Year 11 - In October, they were invited to play for the Barbarians Football Club against a team from Vatican City (Rome).
Tyler W, Year 7 - Represented Essex in Basketball at the County Tournaments.
Sean A, Year 9 - U14 County Athletics 200m Champion.
George W, Year 8 - In May, George won Young Citizen of the Year. He was nominated for his dedication and service to the Youth Town Council. George has been elected to the Young Essex Assembly and received a Jack Petchy Award for his work in the Community. He is one of the first students to be given a community badge.
Logan - In February, Logan competed in Cyprus in the English National Karate Team. He was placed 9th and is now ranked 20 in the world at cadet 14-15 -57kgs. He then competed in France in March and won Bronze and gold in the British Championships.
Frankie H, Year 7 - Ambassador for three mental health charities and does a lot with the English Women Rugby team. She appeared on Sky News following an interview at the Women's World Cup Final.
2023/24 External Achievements