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The Billericay School

We Are A Reading School

The Billericay School is a reading school. We believe that supporting and unlocking the love of reading, supports and unlocks all other life and learning experiences.

Reading is essential for students to achieve the best outcomes, supports their future career opportunities and enriches their education and knowledge of the world. We encourage all students to read widely and become confident readers with strong literacy and oracy skills.

Our aim to promote a love of reading is supported in both lessons and the wider school. Reading underpins our curriculum; all subjects develop subject specific vocabulary alongside regular opportunities to investigate different genres of writing. Students are exposed to academic literature that develops their subject knowledge.

Reading in Tutor Times

We have a weekly form time reading programme. Year 7 and 8 students read using the ‘faster reading’ technique. They will read a complete book as a form class.

Reading at Home

We encourage all students to read regularly at home. Our ‘recommended reads’ lists are an excellent place to start.

Every book read and reviewed contributes towards a scholar badge.  

Recommended Reads

Year 7 

Year 8 

Year 9

Year 10 and 11 

Accelerated Reader

Year 7 and 8 students take part in the Accelerated Reader Programme. They have dedicated reading lessons in the Library where students can work towards becoming word millionaires.  

Word Millionaires

As part of the Accelerated Reader Programme, students receive an award once they have read one million words.

Reading Buddies

To support reading, Year 12 read with the small groups during their reading lessons to develop fluency and vocabulary. We also have literacy groups in Years 7, 8 and 9 with targeted support that boosts students’ comprehension, thinking and confidence.  

Reading Ages

Key Stage 3 Students complete reading tests twice per year. These tests allow us to monitor your child’s progress and offer support where necessary.

Reading Scholars

Students can become a reading scholar by reading and reviewing fifteen books from our ‘recommended read’ lists. This has become a popular part of our reading for pleasure programme.  

Vending Machine

We are very lucky to have a reading book vending machine. If students read and review ten books from our ‘recommended reads’, they receive a token to choose a book.

Our Library

We encourage students to read from a wide range of genres and all students can access our wonderful Library where students can study independently, prepare for future lessons and read for pleasure.

For more details on our Library, please CLICK HERE.