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The Billericay School

Daily Expectations and Code of Conduct

Daily Expectations

 Daily Expectations

Please ensure that you are in school promptly for an 08.30 am start.

If you have an assembly, please register outside the main hall from 08.30 am. 

Period 6 lessons take place from 3.00 pm - 4.00 pm for selected students. 

Code of Conduct 

We believe that good behaviour results from having high expectations. Ultimately, good discipline is achieved when everyone understands, believes in and applies a common code of conduct.

We recognise that good behaviour and self-discipline need to be taught and learnt, that positive reinforcement and rewards are stronger tools than sanctions, that children learn by making mistakes and that the teaching methods and subject matter we deploy need to be tailored to the audience.

We believe that everyone in our school community has 3 basic rights:

  • to feel safe
  • to be treated with respect
  • to learn/teach

In order for us to have these rights, we all have 3 responsibilities:

  • to behave in a safe way
  • to treat others with respect
  • to allow others to learn and teachers to teach