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The Billericay School


Homework is set regularly for all students at The Billericay School. Students will be issued with a student planner at the start of each school year in which they will be required to note the details of each homework set.

Some subjects will set homework via Google Classroom or use digital platforms such as: Sparx in Maths, Educake in English and Tassomai in Science.


Sparx is a web based platform which students use to complete their Mathematics homework. Please use the links below for support when using this platform.

Top Tips for using Sparx

A video guide to Sparx for parents and carers

A video guide to Sparx for students

How to log into Sparx - a video guide for students


Educake is a web-based platform which provides schools with engaging resources for the classroom and a multitude of tasks that can be set as English homework. Students are able to access it independently to complete revision and extension tasks and thus helps develop important independent study skills. We would encourage parents and carers to support students with their homework as many of the reading activities supplement the learning in class (from week to week in line with our curriculum design), meaning the process of reading is strengthened at home also.

All KS3 and KS4 students have been issued a username and password and these have been recorded in their planners alongside other learning platforms.

To find out more about how to use Educake please click on the links below:

Educake for Parents (Secondary)

Slideshow to explain Doddle (pdf version)


Educake for secondary students
