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The Billericay School


Who can apply?

We are looking for individuals who are in their first, second or third year of a Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths (STEM) related degree course and are interested in teaching secondary Maths or Physics after graduating.

We have Mathematics and Physics places available. These paid internships will take place during June and July and will last for 4 weeks.

What’s in it for you?

  • Earn £1,200 over 4 weeks.
  • Experience what life as a teacher is really like. Gain classroom experience, shadow teachers and observe lessons.  You will also have the opportunity to team teach.
  • Receive one-to-one guidance and support from outstanding teachers.
  • Receive weekly subject sessions with current trainees to improve your subject knowledge.
  • Work with your mentor on developing effective questioning skills and positive behaviour management strategies.

After 4 weeks you will certainly know if teaching is for you – if so, we can then help you plan future visits to any of our schools and support you in applying for a place on our course.

How to apply?

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity! Download the application form using the button below, complete and send to fiona@billericayscitt.com.