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The Billericay School

Leave of Absence

Leave of absence may only be granted by a person authorised in that behalf by the proprietor of the school. As from 1st September 2013, the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 amended Regulation 7 to prohibit the proprietor of a maintained school from granting leave of absence to a student, except where an advance application has been made by the parent with whom the student normally resides, and the proprietor considers that there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.

Taking your child out of school during term time could be detrimental to your child's educational progress. A student who takes 10 days absence will only attain 94.7% attendance in the year. 10 days absence also means the student will miss 50 hours of education.

There is no entitlement to parents to take their child out of school during term time; however you may apply to the school for leave of absence if you believe there are exceptional circumstances. If not and the absence is taken it will not be authorised and the case will be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school.

Please click on the link below to download the Application Form for Leave of Absence During Term Time. Please note that a letter must be attached to this request, outlining the 'exceptional circumstances' for which a leave of absence is being applied for.

Application for Leave of Absence During Term Time