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The Billericay School

Policies and Statutory Information

Please find below a list of The Billericay School Policies. Please be advised that a number of our policies are currently being updated and will be available shortly. If you require the most recent version, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Accessibility Plan is currently under review. Please contact the school for more information about this policy.

The Careers Guidance, Information and Education Provider Access Policy Statement  is currently under review. Please contact the school for more information about this statement.

Information regarding executive pay can be found on the Compass Education Trust website, please use the following link https://www.compasstrust.org/Statutory-Information/ 

For more information on Trust-wide policies, including GDPR, Complaints Policy, Suspensions and Exclusions, Parent/Carer Code of Conduct, Equality Information and Objectives, please refer to The Compass Education Trust Ltd via the following link:

Compass Trust Policies

If you wish to make a complaint to the school, please use the following link to find out more information:

Compass Trust Complaints Policy

Please use the following link to see all GDPR Policies and Privacy Notices: