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The Billericay School

Sixth Form Vehicle Contract

Students in Sixth Form are permitted to park in the School car park. There are a limited number of parking spaces available. In order to qualify for a parking, you will need to comply to the following conditions: 

1. You must produce your driving licence and current vehicle insurance to the Mrs Dewell, Sixth Form Administrator. 

2. You must not exceed the speed limit of 5 mph whilst within the school grounds. 

3. Park within the student parking area situated by the back of A Block only. No other area should be used. 

4. The Billericay School cannot accept liability for any damage caused to vehicles whilst parked on site. 

5. You must not arrive on the school site between 8.20am and 8.55am. 

6. You must not drive off of the school site between 2.55pm and 3.15pm. 

7. Parking is charged at £5 per term, payable via Parent Pay. 

Any infringement of the above rules will result in the withdrawal of parking privileges. 

In order to apply for a Parking Permit within The Billericay School, please complete the following form: 


Please complete all fields marked (*)

Please select the number of school terms you have paid for via Parent Pay.

I give permission for my child to park on the School premises and accept the conditions listed above.


Once you have been approved with a Parking Permit, you will be issued with a permit that must be visible within your registered vehicle when parking on the School Premises.