School Catering
Catering provided by Billericay School
For some years now, governors and staff have been working hard to improve the quality, choice and presentation of the food offered to Billericay students. Food and vending have been under constant review and we are always looking for ways to improve the service and encourage students to make healthier choices.
For more information on school catering and for sample menus, price lists and suggestions for healthy packed lunches please download file below.
Billericay School Catering Price List
Week 1 - Week commencing 27/1, 10/3, 31/3, 21/4,
Week 2 - Week commencing 3/2, 24/2, 17/3
Week 3 - Week commencing 20/1, 10/2, 3/3, 24/3
Whilst we try as far as possible to stick to the advertised menu's, there may be unexpected issues with stock, ingredients, deliveries etc. which are out of our control and mean that menus have to be altered at the last minute. However, we hope that our menu is varied enough that there is always a suitable choice available.
Cashless Catering Information
The Trust-e Cashless Solution provided by Nationwide Systems allows schools to provide students with a faster, more efficient meal service by facilitating pre-payment of meals and recording transactions. Registration will take place on Student Induction Day (or in the case of a Mid Year Transfer, on the first day of admission). Any amount (minimum of £10.00) can be credited to your child via your ParentPay.
The school requires the consent of at least one parent in order that biometric data for your child can be processed and we therefore ask parents to complete the consent form. The preference of the school is to use biometrics as this is more secure and faster than any other method of identification and we appreciate your co-operation in this regard. If, however, you do not wish your child to be registered using biometric data, a PIN number can be allocated. Please return completed forms, contained within your welcome pack, to the main school office as soon as possible for the attention of Student Data. Many thanks to all those who have returned the consent forms for enrolment for cashless catering. Please complete and return your form even if you usually provide a packed lunch. If you have completed your form, please just double check with your son/ daughter that they have handed it in to the office.
Crediting your child's account using ParentPay for Cashless Catering
You may credit your child's account for cashless catering by using ParentPay by debit or credit card. Here is the link to the article on this website which provides more information on how to do this ParentPay
Please ensure you top up your child’s account prior to need as during peak activity times transactions may not appear on accounts instantly. All parents will be allocated a ParentPay ID and password and many of our parents already use this method to pay for school trips, etc. Your child's account balance can be checked via your ParentPay account. ParentPay will send text or email alerts when balances reach a pre-set balance, this can be activated within the child's ParentPay account under ‘Profile, Alert Setting’. The school has a balance checking terminal in C block. Once registered, a student may access their own balance by presenting their thumb (or using the pin number) and the current available balance will be displayed. There is a daily ‘Spend Limit’ set at £6 per day, but this may be changed by request to the school office. You will be able to monitor what your child is buying and eating by logging into ParentPay.