Year 6 into 7 2025 Intake
This page is for parent/carers who have children joining The Billericay School in Year 7 in September 2025.
We are delighted that you have chosen The Billericay School for your child’s secondary education and we look forward to meeting our new students over the coming months. We hope you will find the following information helpful.
Online Enrolment Registration
To enable the secure collection of data, Year 7 student and contact information will be processed online.
Parent/Carers of students joining the school will receive an email shortly after National Offer Day which will provide login details and a unique password that will enable you to complete your child’s enrolment information securely.
Please be aware that emails are only sent to the contact email address provided on your child’s application to Essex County Council, and will be sent via the following domain/address:
We would ask that you please check junk/clutter folders as some providers re-direct our messages to spam. If this is the case please ensure this domain ( is marked as ‘safe’ to ensure future messages are received to your inbox.
School Information
An introduction to The Billericay School will be sent to parent/carers via their ‘Welcome’ email and additional information including information relating to transition and induction, will be sent to you throughout the Spring and Summer term.
If you have any difficulties viewing any information electronically please contact the school.
Please also follow us via our Facebook page: and Instagram on @billericay_school for up to date news and information about the school.
Key Dates
Deadline to enter competition - Thursday 1 May 2025
You child is invited to enter a competition where they could win a school bag full of stationery. All your child needs to do is design a front cover of a newspaper, talking about their time at their Primary School and send it to before 1 May 2025.
Year 6 Parent/Carer Induction Evening - Wednesday 25 June 2025: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Parent/carers are invited to hear presentations from Mr Berry, Headteacher, and other members of the school's Senior Leadership Team on the key elements of the secondary school transfer. This meeting is for parent/carers only.
Year 6 Student Transition Day - Thursday 26 June 2025: 8:30am - 3:00pm
Children are able to spend the day at the school which enables them to increase their familiarity with new subjects, teachers and buildings whilst at the same time providing opportunities to meet new friends.
First day of Year 7 for 2024 intake - Tuesday 2 September 2025
Students must arrive at school 8:30am and make their way to the school hall for assembly. Students must be in full school uniform and be equipped with a reading book and writing equipment.
A copy of information issued to parent/carers will also be published in this section. It is important that you continue to monitor this page on a regular basis as additional information will be published here throughout the transition process.
Year 6 - 7 Transition Guide
Year 6 - 7 Transition Guide by The Billericay School
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school on 01277 655191 or email