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The Billericay School

Pastoral Care and Support

At The Billericay School, we believe that every student’s well-being is paramount to their success in education.  Our commitment to providing exceptional pastoral care and support ensures every student can access our broad curriculum with any barriers to their success removed.  We understand that students thrive when they feel safe, supported and valued, which is why we prioritise their emotional and social well-being alongside their academic achievements.

 Our dedicated pastoral team is organised into year-based groups, led by experienced Heads of Year with the support of their Pastoral Support Assistant (non-teaching).  Our Heads of Year and Pastoral Support Assistants are not just academic leaders; they are also the primary advocates for the students within their respective year groups.  Their roles are to ensure that each student receives the care and guidance they need to navigate the challenges of adolescence and maximise their learning potential.  By taking a year-based approach, we create a strong sense of community and ensure that students have a consistent source of support throughout their academic journey.

 We firmly believe that by addressing the social and emotional needs of our students, we remove potential barriers to their education.  This holistic approach helps our students develop the resilience, self-esteem, and interpersonal skills necessary for lifelong success.  At The Billericay School, we are committed to nurturing not just bright minds but also compassionate and well-rounded individuals who are prepared to excel in the every-changing world beyond our school gates.